Operations Management
- Prior to Job Commencement
Upon notification of selection as the preferred service provider, the meeting is arranged with the client representative to develop operational procedures and instructions for the site. This information ensures that all personnel, equipment, training, and operational requirements are in place to make certain the smooth commencement of services. All contracts have clear site requirements. These requirements are defined only after consultation with the customer.
- Ongoing Service Review Meetings
During the service tenure, the Operations Manager/Supervisor with client representative holds a joint “Service Review Meetings were the key performance indicators assist to ensure that we provide a consistently high standard of service. This ultimately results in identifying any areas of improvement at the earliest opportunity.
- Customer Property
Special care is exercised with customer property while it is under our control or being used by our operations personnel. We identify, verify, protect and safeguard customer property provided for use or incorporated into the provision of services. If any customer property is lost, damaged, or otherwise found to be unsuitable for use, it is reported to the customer and records maintained.
- Quality Assurance
Our main methods of Quality Control are exercised through:
- Carrying out inspections by our Operations Manager / Supervisor at planned intervals; and
Obtaining client feedback on the jobs in progress or completed.
- Operational Control (Quality, Health & Safety (QHSE) Management)
We identify activities that are associated with the QHSE risks where control measures need to be applied. Those activities are carried out under specific conditions by:
- Establishing and maintaining procedures to cover the situations where their absence could lead to deviations from the QHSE requirements.
- Establishing and maintaining procedures for the ongoing identification of QHSE related issues.
- Ensuring that pertinent QHSE information is communicated to and from employees and other interested parties.
- Ensuring that its employees working at each relevant function and level are aware of the importance of conformance to the QHSE policy and procedures.
- Supplier Control
We have established effective and efficient processes to identify potential sources for purchased materials and to evaluate their ability to supply the required products in order to ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of the overall purchasing process.
Typical inputs to the supplier control process include:
- Evaluation of relevant experience;
- Performance of suppliers;
- Supplier assurance throughout the intended period of supply and co-operation;
- Supplier response to inquiries, quotations, and tendering;
- Supplier service and support capability;
- Supplier logistic capability
- Supplier awareness of and compliance with relevant statutory and regulatory requirements.
We evaluate and select suppliers based on their ability to supply products in accordance with the company requirements.
- Customer Care
We ensure that customer requirements are determined and are met with the aim of enhancing customer satisfaction. Effective arrangements for communicating with the customers are always ensured in relation to service information, inquiry handling, and customer feedback including customer complaints.
- The Support
We assist our customers in getting assistance through dedicated staff. Customers can call and place a request, make an inquiry or even further raise a complaint/issue. A process flow of information from hereon starts to ensure that the customer is responded to as quickly as possible. The helpdesk provides the best in services to our customers and it builds and enhances customer relationships.
- Customer Satisfaction
We monitor information relating to customer perception as to whether the organization has met customer requirements. The methods for obtaining and using this information are determined and implemented by;
- Jointly establishing a clear understanding of customer’s needs and expectations,
- Setting goals to secure opportunities for continuing partnerships,
- Evaluating, recognizing, and rewarding efforts and achievements of customers.